Whenever my clients see me outside of work, I always get the same comment “I could never picture you without a suit on.” Yes everyone, I do still go grocery shopping and to the movies without my suit on. I must admit, I do enjoy these comments. This confirms to me that my clients appreciate that I act and look professional at all times. This is why I am taking this time to tell you a little something about myself. Yes, I want to tell you about the things in my life which I am just as passionate about, other than the Toronto Real Estate market.
Family and friends are the most important part of my life. Without their love and support I would not have the success I have had. I have had the greatest fortune of growing up with some of the best people around me. From a very young age I was surrounded by some of the best friends a guy could ever ask for. Even after 25 years, I can still count on them for friendship and good times.
On the other hand, my family have always been extremely supportive throughout my whole life. Through good and bad times, I know I can always count on them for anything and everything. However, there is one very special person in my life that I would like to mention. Her name is Sophia and she is my little godchild. When I was first asked to be her godfather, I was extremely honoured but also very scared. How could I ever be a good enough person to make an impression on this little thing? Well, she has turned out to be one of the smartest, most determined and charismatic little girls I have ever met. I have loved watching her grow up and know that as she gets older, she will be a very successful young lady.
Another one of my passions is sports. Since a young boy, I have always participated in organized sports and continue to do so to this day. I have tried almost every sport known to mankind but I still hold Baseball closest to my heart. The reason behind this is because I met some great people along the way, and an amazing coach who taught me a lot about work ethic and structure. In the past years I have been able to use this knowledge to coach young children. There is nothing more fulfilling than working with young children and nothing like it, to really put things into perspective.
Finally, these are just a few more of my passions. I also love to read and have recently found an interest in cooking. This thanks to my younger brother Nick. After seeing him working in the kitchen, I was amazed and inspired me.
Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has played a part in my life and helped mold the person I have become.