Real Estate Bloopers

In every industry and field there are times that human errors are made as it’s only natural. These errors can give us some funny bloopers that make us laugh but also serves as a friendly reminder to be a little more diligent in what we do. 

Here are some real estate common bloopers that I have seen.

No Smoking Pets Not Preferred

The way we write out the properties make a world of a difference in the way it can be translated. This is a great example of how important a period can be in a sentence. I am sure many people will know that there is no such thing as a smoking pet, could there be?! ;)

Tip: Always important to double check ads before publishing it.

Which Property is for Sale?
You would think the property on the left is the one for sale but it really is the one on the right. Unfortunately, the second time visiting the property, the car was captured in the photo. This can be confusing for prospective buyers. It is important to capture property photos correctly to save any buyer frustration or disappointment when they arrive at the property. 

Tip: Take your time in taking the correct photo of the property the first time and coordinate with the seller ahead of time, if you are taking your own photos. I highly recommend hiring a professional photographer/videographer.

Even Realtors like to Take Selfies

Who doesn’t like to take a good selfie?! Even realtors like to take selfies too but it doesn’t mean that it is a great marketing strategy. Real estate is about selling the property and not the agent. ;) This is definitely the most common blooper.

Tip: When taking photos, make sure to NOT take them in front any mirror or reflective surface. Capture the rooms in their best light to make it more appealing to buyers.

These are three of the top real estate bloopers that I see regularly in the field and even though it provides us with a great chuckle. It also serves as a great reminder how double checking our work is important. Professionalism is key to the success of selling a home. As a realtor we should always demand the best from ourselves, so that in turn, we can provide the best to our clients.    
